Invisible Airs, Jon Dovey, Open-data book stabber, Council Chamber Room, Bristol, UK

bnr#46 => Invisible Airs, Jon Dovey, Open-data book stabber, Council Chamber Room, Bristol, UK

Lions' Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition, with Source Code

Object: 29

Lions' Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition, with Source Code

Date of origin: 1980
Author/inventor/context: John Lions, photocopied book

In 1969 Bell Labs employees including Thompson, Ritchie, Kernighan, McIlroy, Lesk and Ossanna wrote the Unix operating system in assembly language. By 1973 it had been recoded in 'C' by Kernighan and Ritchie. Lions' Commentary was the Unix kernel documentation approved for use outside Bell Labs. The 6th Edition Unix source code was permitted for classroom use, but when Unix Version 7 was announced in 1979, the license for classroom use of the book was withdrawn. Thousands of computer science students then made and reviewed photocopies, meeting after hours to discuss the commentary. Duplicates spread across the world.

Derek Shaw (Southend-on-sea Linux Users Group)