Invisible Airs, CCTV Camera, Chamber Room, Bristol, UK

bnr#38 => Invisible Airs, CCTV Camera, Chamber Room, Bristol, UK


Exceptional fantasies

We exist in a world where powerful social elites live their life through exceptional fantasies - they mistakenly believe they can best safeguard their privilege by hiding their bonsai trees of knowledge in secret societies, under the tomes of law court papers, magic rituals - art - religions, and the use of well tooled-up armies.

pre-requisites of the computer

  1. Money->{Bank_of_england}->{Newton}.
  2. Mechanisation.
  3. algebra.

use Constant;


  • (anything taken out of the hands of the many and put in the hands of a few);

  • The sands of arabia grown.
  • The reign of cruelty is begun.
  • Disguised in charity & pity & peace.
  • Pity excusing poverty.
  • Charity excusing wealth.
  • Peace an armistice of fear
  • Reproducing the code for war.
#! /usr/bin/perl
$s='$c = chr(39);$t = q^#! /usr/bin/perl 
$s=^.$c.$s.$c.q^;eval $s;^."\n";print $t 
####             execute-me          ####
#                                       #
#  +--^----------,-----,----,------^-,  #
#   | |||||||||   ----:    |        O   #
#   +---------------------^---------|   #
#     _,---------,-----,-----------~   #
#       / XXXXXX / |    /               #
#      / XXXXXX /    /                 #
#     / XXXXXX /-----~                  #
#    / XXXXXX /                         #
#   / XXXXXX /                          #
#  (________(                           #
#   ------~                             #
###                                  ####

';eval $s;
# cut out the code above - save it as -
# and run it. 

He gets out the air-freshener to replace his nose.

use Constant;

VISIONARY (depreciated) =

* (the birth of the telescope 1608)
* ==
* (objectification of vision); 

use Constant;


* (5 September 1951 LEO (Lyons Electronic Office))
* ==
* (computational vision == 'electronic brain'); 

Bakeries Valuations

Lyons built and operated the world's first business computer which they called LEO (Lyons Electronic Office). This came into use months before any American computer. Initially intended for in-house use only, the machine caused such a stir that a company was started to build the machines for other UK organisations. Computers were exported to Australia, South Africa and Czechoslovakia when this was still behind the 'Iron Curtain'.

next MonsterUpdate2

Refuse reason while resurrecting the dead

Part 1:

Take a data-base of a social atrocity and harvest from it the ages, names and heights of individual victims. From this the computer extrapolates the vital lung capacity for each person. This is converted to cubic litres of last breath of each victim eg:

$VitalLungCapcity = ((0.041 * $Height) - (0.018 * $Age)) - 2.69;
$Victim_Breath_LAST = $VitalLungCapcity;

Part 2:

Set up or use a preexisting public address system placed in the vercenity of the atrocity or contextually related area. With the sound radiating up to one mile from the source. Push the sum of all the victims vital lung capacity of air through the audio system;


From reports of the International Committee of the Red Cross we estimate that 8000 Bosnian Muslim men were killed by Bosnian Serb forces. see (Red)

We know the ages are from 15 - 70;

And the height of each individual is between 150 and 180;

$Height = 170; $Age = 35;

$VitalLungCapacity = ((0.041 * $Height) - (0.018 * $Age)) - 2.69 ;

( 3.65 litres * 8000 bodies ) = 29200 litres of air.

We then push 29200 litres of air through a speaker system in the wave form of a scream.

next MonsterUpdate3


Spanish Journalist One of Two Journalists 

Killed in US Army Attack on Journalist Hotel in Baghdad

The bit-commons:

When new common cultural spaces open up in the public domain as they did with the internet in the 1990's, those with the proprietary right or economic might usually attempt enclosure. This activity acts as a raw siphon of economic value as well as associating with the enforcers of enclosure the powers of boundary. (inside, outside, entrance, exit)

At first, experimentation is pursued in all directions until the pathways of least resistance are charted and turned to profit - at which time generalised investment becomes scarce - investment being redirected to deepen and widen the channels of least resistance to profit. This receding wave of investment from the experimental - leaves behind islands of adventure to be colonized by artists, deviants, outsiders, asylum seekers, immigrants, pirates and the insane.

People adopt many strategies to keep their islands open and free at these moments of enclosure, they start creating protocols and formats collectively. Sailors of these isles start transporting ideas of freedom, bounty and hope to foreign ports attracting new settlements.

use Constant;

  • ALL knowledge NO MATTER WHAT, should be available to us. Whether nuclear arms manufacture,
  • anthrax breeding colonies
  • or the environmental impact of nail-varnish remover in the tanning factories of Southend-on-sea Essex U.K.;

Rise up on wings of desire.

Fly from rats lice poverty famine && violence - escape the CODE_OF_WAR enter the palace of the Common.

Images <=> VISON and FLOSS ->{Free/Libre/Open Source Software}

The cornerstone of all the code in the Net_Monster is based on a a commitment to the use, propagation and development of free software. Free software emerged as a key collaborative tool in the 1990s to posit a democratic alternative to proprietary control over code->{! CODE_OF_WAR}. The free exchange of common_code is central to our conception of the digital commons. That is why we will encourage everyone to engage, enlarge and question this domain.

Exceptional Fantasies Revisited

The exceptional fantasies that the social elite has been living through have spawned strange and bewildering hierarchies of knowledge and war that have influenced the production of ideas. We need to squash these at the level of algorithm and representation.

A free software culture is worth fighting for.

The algorithm creates the scaffolding on which the author of a knowledge based system hangs himself.


Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis, The GIMP's original authors.

use Gimp;
use constant  CorruptTheCultureOfTheCode;

# version 0.0.2
use lib '/home/harwood/FuckTheWar/Lib/';
use DBI;
use Settings; 
use DB;

use Time::Local; 
# Computed from the current 
# Greenwich Mean Sideral Time->origin of Empire.
use Gimp qw( :auto );
use Gimp::Util;
use Gimp::Fu; 

Gimp::init; #Start the server
Gimp::on_net(\&net); # create a call back \x96 not sure why
# Spew out various uninformative 
# crap about the functions taking place.

An image travels instantaneously around networks - filling mental spaces that crave the evidence - the next instalment. The picture alters economies, the flow of oil - investments and sets the context for more to die. Words stick in the mouth of politicians - Words, insufficient to quell the mob motivated by the image (Abu Ghraib) It\x92s not that Bush is a liar, untrustworthy or linguistically impaired - the image itself is not reasonable - or reducible.

From BANANAS to Monsters

What is the relationship between banana-eating, the Gimp and the internet - why can I get 7lbs of banana for one pound in Southend.

It's obvious to anyone researching networked fruit eating on the internet that banana-eating represents % 35.234 of the fruit eating activity on-line.



Is it possible to react to this CODE_OF_WAR with ought enhancing it. withought astesticizing it- withought fetishizing it?

Then again what for.

Do I have anything to say - does the network already take care of it?

I collect images thousands of them - farm them, stick them together, filter them - rotate them, stick them on myself.

I translate text to image to text - Building storm clouds approaching the Thames on the eve of war.

Net Monster Hollerith