Invisible Airs, Bristol Council Chamber Room, Bristol, UK

bnr#48 => Invisible Airs, Bristol Council Chamber Room, Bristol, UK

Me Myself I


Me Myself I was created for Annet Dekker for the Video Vortex at The Netherlands Media Art Institute in 2007.

In Annet's words "The exhibition Video Vortex was a response of the Netherlands Media Art Institute to the Web 2.0 phenomenon. Web 2.0 stands for power to the user and democracy for everyone. It has led to innovative forms of media use in which an open and playful collaboration can lead to critical positions and new ideas. Sites such as YouTube, Flickr and MySpace, where users can freely participate, upload and broadcast their own material, are the most famous examples of the success of Web 2.0."

Me Myself I

This is her description of the work.

How is a network image created? NetMonster, 'Me myself I' (2004 - ongoing) is a software developed by Graham Harwood (Mongrel / Mediashed). The software was designed to generate, edit and continuously update content, creating a composite image made up out of the results of internet searches guided by various keywords. The NetMonster will continuously rebuild itself based on users' edits and changing search parameters, offering up new content and configurations. The outcome is a complex of visual compositions comprised of results from internet searches. Collectively individuals build a 'networked' image that consists of a collection of pictures and texts that come from all over the internet. The work displayed in the exhibition is a documentation version of the way a NetMonster works.

Web site for the show can be found here

More details can be found in the me myself I image gallery.

Me Myself I

Me Myself I

Me Myself I