Tantalum Memorial, Manifesta7, Alumix, Bolzano, Italy.

bnr#34 => Tantalum Memorial, Manifesta7, Alumix, Bolzano, Italy.


use Poetic::Violence;
# Software for the aggressive assault on society.
# Thank GOD It’s all right now — we all want equality —
use constant EQUALITY_FOR_ALL
“the money to be in the right place at the right time”;
use constant NEVER = ‘for;;’;
use constant SATISFIED => NEVER;
# It’s time to liposuck the fat from the thighs of the bloated
# bloke society—smear it on ourselves and become invisible.
# We are left with no option but to construct code that
# concretizes its opposition to this meagre lifestyle.

package DONT::CARE;
use strict; use warnings;
sub aspire {
my $class = POOR;
my $requested_type = GET_RICHER;
my $aspiration = “$requested_type.pm”;
my $class = “POOR::$requested_type”;
require $aspiration;
return $class->new(@_);

# bought off with $40 dvd players

sub bought_off{
my $self = shift;
$self->{gain} = shift;
for( $me = 0;


die “poor“ if $Exploit
=~ m / ‘I feel better about $me’ / g;

foreach my $self_worth ( @poverty_on_someone_else){
wait 10;
&Environmental_catastrophe (CHINA,$self_worth)

# TODO: we need to seek algorithmic grit
# for the finely oiled wheels of capital.
# Perl Routines for the redistribution of the world’s wealth
# Take the cash from the rich and turn it into clean
# drinking water

# Constants
use constant SKINT => 0;
use constant TO_MUCH => SKINT + 1;
# This is an anonymous hash record to be filled with
# the Names and Cash of the rich

%{The_Rich} = {
0 => {
Name => ‘???’,
Cash => ‘???’,

# This is an anonymous hash record to be filled
# with the Price Of Clean Water
# for any number of people without clean water

%{The_Poor} = {
0 =>{
#the place name were to build a well
PlaceName => ‘???’,
PriceOfCleanWater => ‘???’,
Cash => ‘???’,

# for each of the rich, process them one at a time passing
#them by reference to RedistributeCash.

foreach my $RichBastardIndex (keys %{The_Rich}){

# This is the core subroutine designed to give away
# cash as fast as possible.

sub ReDisdributeCash {
my $RichBastard_REFERENCE = @_;

# go through each on the poor list
# giving away Cash until each group
# can afford clean drinking water

while($RichBastard_REFERENCE ->{CASH} >= TO_MUCH){
foreach my $Index (keys @{Poor}){
if( $Poor->{$Index}->{Cash}
$Poor->{$Index}->{PriceOfCleanWater} ){