Tantalum Memorial, Manifesta7, Alumix, Bolzano, Italy.

bnr#36 => Tantalum Memorial, Manifesta7, Alumix, Bolzano, Italy.

'Talking Dirty: Tongue First!'

Calling people of Essex join us for a Southend tongue first experimentation and critical science workshops!

'Talking Dirty: Tongue First!' is a series of public events involving local foods, their source, preparation and consumption, leading to a recipe book produced in collaboration with the situated knowledge of South Essex people, containing instructions for cooking with estuary ingredients: from Thames fish, soy sauce (from human hair), estuary plants such as samphire to edge-road elderflower cordial. Through public experiments cooking and eating workshops in Leigh-on-Sea, we will create public tastings that explore environmental change. Alongside these tastings, citizen science workshops will investigate the traces of waste disposal on the 'unnatural' nature research of Two Tree Island in Leigh-on-Sea.

The project is led by local Southend artists Fran Gallardo, YoHa and Andy Freeman with environmental chemist and food scientist Mark Scrimshaw. The project is commissioned by The Arts Catalyst (www.artscatalyst.org).

A call out to people of Leigh-on-Sea and Southend!!!

We want to hear about your local recipes, foraging, collected ingredients and stories about food in Leigh that will be gathered into a recipe book.

Contact Fran with your local stories: franlaiguana _at_ gmail.com
Contact Claudia for more information:
claudia.lastra _at_ artscatalyst.org
020 7633 0435


Event dates in Leigh
(check website for further informaiton and locations www.artscatalyst.org )
Open Jamming (Leigh-­‐on-­‐Sea Maritime Festival): Sunday 2 August 2015, 11am-­4pm
Fluids and Mud Science (citizen science workshop 1): Saturday 15 August 2015, 10am -­ 5pm
Wildlife and Not So Wild Life (citizen science workshop 2): Saturday 22 August 2015, 10am ‐ 5pm
Public Tasting: Explore your Tongue: Sunday 30 August 2015 (7pm-8pm) Leigh Regatta: Chachacha with Local Ingredients:
Sunday 20th September 2015, 10.30am-5pm