bnr#94 =>

This a political sketch

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# USAGE: Fuck the poor as long as I get what I want
# Shoveling coal from the face to the furnace –
# Smoke spews - Spiting blood.
# Stoking boilers, steam under pressure,
# Venting turbines – current becomes power.

# Computers jolt into life, crash and reboot with 220volts flickering,
# Flowing through the logic gates of promise:
# Lung disease, pnumoconiosis, white finger.

# Coal dust everywhere.
# Open wounds of the pasts present,
# Compressed into our white goods - trapped in the soot of our chimneys, fired into our processors.
# Infected computers speak of compensation.
# Miners Total Claims 592,000,
# Live 241,000,
# Deceased 351,000
# Claims settled 575,000
# Total Compensation paid f2.3 billion.
# Teletype printers hammer at wood pulp transformed by
# Raw power into a4 blank sheets naming the nameless bodies assembled manufactured into the city of my goods.

# The coal dust blows east to China and south to India, setting the earth
# on fire with it's blackness, children grovel over slag, trading food for
# pnumoconiosis.
# Another computer chirps the quantities needed to create
# the components of itself while another shows it's industrial past.

# Stoke the boiler

# OPTIONS: ---
# BUGS: ---
# NOTES: ---
# AUTHOR: Harwood (trying),
# COMPANY: Goldsmiths
# VERSION: 1.0
# CREATED: 12/02/2009 08:49:14 PM GMT

use strict;

#calculate the displacement of lung disease = coal production to china

# Coal provides 26.5% of global primary energy needs and generates 41.5% of the world's electricity
#As an example, running one 100 watt lightbulb for one year requires 876 kW·h (100 W × 24 h/day × 365 {days in a year} = 876000 W·h = 876 kW·h). Converting this power usage into physical coal consumption:

#876 kW -h
#2.0kW -h /kg
#= 438 kg coal = 966lb

#400 watts * 24 hours = 9600 watt-hours = 9.6 kilowatt-hours per day. 

#It takes 438 kg (966 lb) of coal to power a computer for one full year. + 5-10% for resistnace power lines etc

use constant WORTHLESS => 'dev/null'; # send all to no device
use constant GREEDY_OPERATOR => {\£,+}; # match as many £ as possible
use constant ACCUMULATOR => "colector of taxes, rent, battery storage, computer register."
use constant DAYS_IN_YEAR => 365;
use constant COMPUTER_WATTS_PER_HOUR => 400;
use constant HOURS_IN_DAY => 24;
#250 kW per cremation

# POWER Coal

sub coal_production {


sub coal {
my $kilowatt_hours_per_year = ((DAYS_IN_YEAR * (COMPUTER_WATTS_PER_HOUR * HOURS_IN_DAY ))/10);
my $Coal_used_kg = $kilowatt_hours_per_year / 2.0;
my $Coal_used_lbs = $Coal_used_kg * 2.20462262185;
my $tons_used = $Coal_used_lbs * 0.0005;
print "\n Coal used lbs = ". $Coal_used_lbs . "Coal kg $Coal_used_kg tons used = $tons_used \n ";

coal production


# The 19th centuries great engines of change vented coal fed steam,
# recursively transforming the bodies of those who touched them and
# redirecting the conduct of entire societies to feed it's machines,
# creating new urban authorities as it sped through the land.


sub steam_engine {

my $process = BODIES_OF_POOR ;
for(my $wealth = ;$wealth <= INFINITY ;$wealth++){



sub boiler {


sub steam_generator {


sub displaced_production {


sub generator {


sub lungs {
my ($height,$weight,$gender) = @_;
# height (cm)
# weight (kg)
my $men = 2500;
my $women = 2000;

my $body_surface_area = ($height * $weight) / 3600
$viat_lung_capacity = $body_surface_area * $men;
return $Vital_lung_capacity;


sub database {


# 1840 - Great Western Railway Engines compressed landscapes into manageable chunks of aligned time-tables, co-ordinating the same bodies into mass labour forking communication from transport enabling new conceptual engines to encode thought into wires surrounding the planet. Submarine telegraph cables criss crossed the Atlantic re-compressing the oceans trade routes into global markets realigning it into the rows and columns of the ledger, birthing scientific management and unifying markets.
# The mines transformed the body as the body transformed the mine feeding lungs into the hungry boilers of empires.

* GALLOW FLAT, Elswick, Northumberland, May, 1658.
* GATESHEAD. Gateshead, Northumberland. 3rd. or 4th. October 1705.
* FATFIELD. Chester-le-Street, Durham. 18th. August 1708.
* LUMLEY PARK. Chester-le-Street, Durham. 1727.
* LONNEN PIT. Fatfield, Durham. June 1736.
* CORPSHILL or Corporal Pit. Whitehaven, Cumberland, 5th. August, 1737.
* NORTH BIDDICK. Biddick, Durham. 18th. January, 1743.
* RAVENSWORTH. Ravensworth, Durham. 10th, June, 1757.
* WERNFRAITH. Neath, Glamorganshire. 1758.
* HARTLEY. Hartley, Durham. 1st. December, 1761.
* FATFIELD. Chester-le-Street, Durham. 1763.
* WINCH POND. Neath, Glamorganshire. 1764.
* WALKER. Gateshead, Northumberland. 2nd.. April, 1765.
* WALKER. Gateshead, Northumberland, 18th. March, 1766.
* SOUTH BIDDICK. Blyth, Durham. 16th. April, 1766.
* LAMBTON. Chester-le-Street, Durham. 22nd. August 1766.
* WALLSEND. Gateshead, Northumberland. 1767.
* FATFIELD. Chester-le-Street, Durham. 27th. March, 1767.
* WERNFRAITH. Neath, Glamorganshire. 1770.
* NORTH BIDDICK. Washington, Durham. 6th. December, 1773.
* OVINGTON’S PIT, East Rainton, Durham. 7th. October, 1776.
* CHARTERSHAUGH. Durham. 8th. December, 1778.
* WINCH POND. Neath, Glamorganshire, 1779.
* WALLSEND. Gateshead, Northumberland. 3rd. November, 1786.
* WALLSEND. Gateshead, Northumberland. 21st. August, 1786.
* LLANSAMLET. Swansea, Glamorganshire, 14th. March, 1788.
* WAUNDDU. Loughor, Swansea. 10th. July, 1788.
* WALLSEND. Gateshead, Northumberland. 4th. October, 1790.
* SHERIFF HILL. Gateshead, Durham. 27th. December, 1793.
* PICKTREE. Rickleton, Durham. 9th. June, 1794.
* HARRATON. Harraton, Durham. 11th. June, 1794.
* SHERIFF HILL. Sheriff Hill, Durham. 21st. December, 1794.
* PARADISE. Benwell, Northumberland. 24th. April, 1795.
* FIRE ENGINE, Neath, Glamorganshire. 12th. May, 1795.
* NEW WASHINGTON. Washington, Durham. 12th. February, 1796.
* SLATTYFORD. Slattyford, Northumberland. 8th. September, 1796.
* ROTHWELL HAIGH. Leeds, Yorkshire. 19th. April, 1797.
* LUMLEY. Lumley, Durham. 11th. April, 1797.
* WASHINGTON. Washington, Durham. 27th. February, 1798.
* WALLSEND. Gateshead, Durham. 25th. September, 1799.
* LUMLEY. Lumley, Durham. 11th. October, 1799.
* TOWNELEY MAIN or STELLA PIT. Greenside ‘A’ Pit. Durham. 1801.
* BARMBY FURSCOE. Yorkshire. 1803.
* WALLSEND. ‘C’ Pit. Gateshead, Durham. 25th. September, 1803.
* HURLET PIT. Paisley, Midlothian, 1805.
* BARMBY FURSCOE. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 19th. August, 1805.
* HEBBURN. Hebburn, Durham. 21st. October, 1805.
* OXCLOSE. Oxclose, Durham. 29th. November, 1805.
* FENTON PARK. Fenton Park, Staffordshire. 1806.
* MOSTYN. Mostyn, Denbighshire. 1806.
* ST. HELENS. St.Helens, Lancashire. June 1806.
* UNNAMED. Dudley, Staffordshire. 1806.
* WHITEHAVEN. Whitehaven, Cumberland. 1806.
* KILLINGWORTH. Killingworth, Northumberland. 28th. March, 1806.
* HARRATON COLLIERY. Row Pit. Harraton, Durham. 29th. November, 1808.
* EAST ARDSLEY. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 30th. June, 1809.
* KILLINGWORTH. Killingworth, Northumberland. 14th. September, 1809.
* BRANDLING MAIN. Jarrow, Durham. 25th. May, 1812.
* HARRINGTON MILL PIT. Pensher, Durham. 10th. October, 1812.
* COLLINGWOOD MAIN. Burdon Main. Chirton, Durham. 17th. July, 1813.
* FATFIELD. Hall Pit. Chester-le-Street, Durham. 28th. September, 1813.
* FELLING. Felling, Durham. 24th. December, 1813.
* HEBBURN. Hebburn, Durham. 12th. August, 1814.
* HEATON. Newcastle-on-Tyne, Durham. 3rd. May, 1815.
* NEWBOTTLE. Success Pit. Newbottle, Durham. 2nd. June, 1815.
* SHERIFF HILL. Isabella Pit. Gateshead, Durham. 27th. June, 1815.
* COLLINGWOOD MAIN. Newcastle-on-Tyne, Northumberland. 17th. July, 1815.
* NEWBOTTLE. Newbottle, Durham. 31st. July, 1815.
* SHERIFF HILL. Gateshead, Durham. 11th. December 1815.
* PLAIN PIT. Rainton, Durham. 18th. December, 1815.
* UNNAMED. Shropshire, 1816.
* ROSCOE’S. Bagillt, Flint. 1816 or 1817.
* WALBOTTLE. Wellington Pit. Walbottle, Durham. 28th. April, 1816.
* WILLIAM PIT. Whitehaven, Cumberland. Between 1817 and 1824.
* SOUTH SHIELDS. South Shields, Durham. 31st May, 1817.
* HARRATON. Row Pit. Harraton. Durham. 30th. June, 1817.
* NOVA SCOTIA. Harraton, Durham. 2nd. July, 1817.
* JARROW. Jarrow, Durham. 25th. September, 1817.
* RAINTON. Plain Pit. Rainton, Durham. 18th. December, 1817.
* SHERIFF HILL. Gateshead, Durham. 19th. July, 1819.
* LUMLEY. George Pit. Chester-le-Street, Northumberland. 9th. October, 1819.
* CUMGWRACH. Neath, Glamorganshire.9th. June, 1820.
* NORCROFT. Cawthorne, Yorkshire. 23rd. May 1821.
* NESHAMS. Newbottle, Durham. 19th. October, 1821.
* FELLING. Gateshead, Durham. 23rd. October, 1821.
* WALLSEND. ‘A’ Pit. Wallsend, Northumberland. 23rd. October, 1821.
* EBENEZER. West Bromwich, Staffordshire. Late October, 1821.
* UNNAMED. Sheffield, Yorkshire. July 1822.
* WALKER. Walker, Durham. 1823.
* RAINTON. Plain Pit. Rainton, Durham. 3rd. November, 1823.
* LUMLEY. George Pit. Chester-le-Street, Durham. 25th. October, 1824.
* NEWBOTTLE. Dolly Pit. 19th. November, 1824.
* CWNLLYN. Swansea Valley, Glamorganshire. 1825.
* GARFORTH. Middleton, Yorkshire. 12th. January, 1825.
* FATFIELD. Judith Pit. Chester-le-Street, Durham. 3rd. July, 1825.
* JARROW. Jarrow, Northumberland. 17th. January, 1826.
* TOWNLEY MAIN. Townley, Durham. 30th. May, 1826.
* HEWORTH. Heworth, Durham. 5th. September, 1826.
* UNNAMED. Near Llanelli, Glamorganshire. About 1827.
* JARROW. Jarrow, Northumberland. 15th. March, 1828
* FLINT. Flint, Flintshire. 20th. May, 1828.
* HOUGHTON-LE-SPRING. Houghton-le-Spring, Durham. 1st. September, 1828.
* WASHINGTON. ‘I’ Pit. Washington, Durham. 20th. November, 1828.
* PEMBERTON. Wigan, Lancashire. 24th. April, 1830.
* JARROW. Jarrow, Northumberland. 3rd. August, 1830.
* HAYDOCK. Haydock, Lancashire. May, 1831.
* WILLINGTON. High Pit. Willington, Durham. 20th. September, 1831.
* CROFT PIT, Whitehaven, Cumberland. 15th November 1831
* NEWBOTTLE. Fencehouses, Durham. 15th. June, 1832.
* HAYDOCK. Haydock, Lancashire. September, 1832.
* KINGSWOOD. Kingswood, Northumberland. 2nd. May, 1833.
* SPRINGWELL. ‘B’ Pit. Gateshead, Northumberland. 9th. May, 1833.
* LINDLEY TOP. Huddersfield, Yorkshire. 30th. May, 1833.
* BELLA PIT. Workington, Cumberland. 20th. September, 1833.
* MOORSLEY. Moorsley, Durham. 22nd. November, 1833.
* APEDALE. Staffordshire. 1835.
* SHELTON. Staffordshire. 1835.
* LITTLE LEVER. Bolton, Lancashire. 1835.
* ST.HELENS. St.Helens, Lancashire. 1835.
* UNNAMED. Wigan, Lancashire. 1835.
* HETTON. Downs Pit. Fencehouses, Durham. 3rd. February, 1835.
* WHITLEY, Durham, 1st. May 1835.
* WALLSEND. Wallsend, Northumberland. 18th. June, 1835.
* PUMPHOUSE. Dudley Port, West Bromwich. 2nd. November, 1835.
* BURDON MAIN. Burdon, Durham. 19th. November, 1835.
* DOWNS PIT. Hetton, Northumberland. 28th. January, 1836.
* ROBIN HOOD. Wakefield Yorkshire. 16th. February, 1836.
* HEBBURN ‘B’. Hebburn, Northumberland. 19th. July, 1836.
* WEDGEWOOD’S. Burslem, Staffordshire. 26th. September, 1836.
* BLACKROD. Bolton, Lancashire. 6th. October, 1836.
* BOG. Wakefield, Yorkshire. 13th. December, 1836.
* OLDBURY. Oldbury, Straffordshire. February, 1837.
* ARGOED. Mold, Flintshire. 10th. May, 1837.
* BRIGHT SOFT PIT. Shipley, Nottingham. 13th. June, 1837.
* OLD COAL PIT. Blaina, Monmouthshire. 17th. September, 1837.
* ISABELLA, UNION and LADY PITS, Workington, Cumberland. 28th. July, 1837.
* SPRINGWELL. Gateshead, Durham. 6th. December, 1837.
* SPRINGWELL, Gateshead, Durham. 6th. December, 1837.
* NANTYGLO. Blaina, Monmouthshire, c.7th. December, 1837.
* ROBIN HOOD. Wakefield Yorkshire. 16th. February, 1838.
* RUSHY PARK. St.Helens, Lancashire. June, 1838.
* HUSKAR. Moorend Pit. Silkstone, Barnsley. 4th. July 1836
* LOWCA. John Pit. Whitehaven, Cumberland. 24th. October, 1838.
* CINDER PITS. Blaenavon, Glamorganshire. 28th. November, 1838.1
* WALLSEND. Gateshead, Northumberland. 19th. December, 1838.1
* WILLIAM PIT. Whitehaven, Cumberland. 18th. February, 1839.2
* ST.HILDAS. South Shields, Durham. 28th. June, 1839.3
* KINGSWOOD. Kingswood, Somerset. 27th. May, 1839.5
* WELLSWAY Midsomer Norton, Somerset. 5th November 18396
* ROTHWELL HAIGH. Victoria Pit. Leeds, Yorkshire. 24th. January, 1840.
* MOSTYN. Mostyn, Flintshire. July, 1840.
* St. DAVID’S PIT. Llangennech. Llanelli, Glamorganshire. 6th. July, 1840.
* FARNACRES. Farnacres, Durham. 23rd. October, 1840.
* QUARTER. Hamilton Fifeshire. 16th. March, 1841.
* BIGGES PIT. Willington, Northumberland. 19th. April, 1841.
* THORNLEY. Thornley, Durham. 5th. August, 1841.
* BRIETWHISTLE. Dewsbury, Yorkshire. 19th. October, 1841.
* MOUNT OSBORNE. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 21st. or 22nd. November, 1841.
* BLACK MINE Flowery Field. Hyde, Cheshire. 8th. April, 1842.
* FARNACRES. Gateshead, Northumberland. 9th. December, 1842.
* STORMONT MAIN. Wreckington, Durham, 5th. April, 1843.
* CLEVELAND. Staffordshire. June, 1843.
* GREENFIELDS ASH PIT. Broadfield, Staffordshire. 26th. June, 1843.
* SHERIFF HILL, Durham. 5th. August, 1843.
* HOLLY HALL, Dudley, Staffordshire. 30th. August, 1843.
* WINSTANLEY. Wigan, Lancashire. 20th. November, 1843.
* DINAS MIDDLE PIT. Glamorganshire. 1st. January, 1844.
* DUKE PIT. Whitehaven, Cumberland. 11th. January, 1844.
* WEST MOOR. Killingworth, Northumberland. 18th. January, 1844.
* LANDSHIPPING. Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire. 14th. February, 1844.
* FIVE WAYS. Rowley Regis, Staffordshire. 19th. August, 1844.
* HASWELL. Haswell, Northumberland. 28th. September, 1844.
* MINERA. Wrexham, Denbighshire. December, 1844.
* HAYES WOOD. Somerset. February, 1845.
* HASWELL. Haswell, Durham. April, 1845.
* WEST MOOR. Killingworth, Northumberland. 3rd. April, 1845.
* OLD DUFFRYN. Aberdare, Glamorganshire. 1st. August, 1845.
* JARROW. Jarrow, Northumberland. 21st. August, 1845.
* NEWTON, Haydock, Lancashire. 5th. November, 1845.
* TOFTSHAW BOTTOM. Bradford, Yorkshire. 1st. January, 1846.
* RISCA. Black Vein Pit. Monmouthshire. 14th. January, 1846.
* FIRE CLAY PIT. Bilston, Staffordshire. 15th. April, 1846.
* EAST WHEAL ROSE. Newlyn, Cornwall. 9th. July, 1846.
* BOGLE HOLE PIT. Glasgow, Lanarkshire. 28th. September, 1846.
* ROUNDS GREEN NEW PIT. Oldbury, Staffordshire. 17th. November, 1846.
* BURGH. Coppull, Lancashire. 24th. November, 1846.
* PARR. St.Helens, Lancashire. January, 1847.
* THE OAKS . Barnsley, Yorkshire. 24th. January 1847.
* WESTLEIGH. Leigh, Lancashire. 28th. January, 1847.
* DARLEY MAIN. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 29th. January, 1847.
* ARDSLEY MAIN. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 5th. March, 1847.
* BEESTON MAIN. Leeds, Yorkshire, 17th. May, 1847.
* GERARDS BRIDGE. St. Helens, Lancashire. 2nd. June, 1847.
* FELLING. Tyne Main Pit. Felling, Durham. 22nd. June, 1847.
* KIRKLESS HALL. Wigan, Lancashire. 28th. June, 1847.
* INCE HALL. Wigan, Lancashire. 30th. November, 1847.
* NANTYGLOW. Monmouthshire. December, 1847.
* HEATHFIELD. Wolverhampton, Staffordshire. 9th. February, 1848.
* KIRKLESS HALL. Wigan, Lancashire. 28th. June, 1847.
* INCE HALL. Wigan, Lancashire. 30th. November, 1847.
* VICTORIA PIT. Dukinfield, Lancashire. 23rd. February, 1848.
* EAGLESBUSH. Neath. Glamorganshire. 29th. March, 1848.
* VICTORIA IRON WORKS. Aberdare, Monmouthshire. 24th. April, 1848.
* LODGE PIT. Dawley, Shropshire. 29th. May, 1848.
* BLACK VEIN IRONSTONE MINE. Aberdare, Glamorganshire. June, 1848.
* VICTORIA IRON WORKS. Aberdare, Monmouthshire, 21st. June, 1848.
* POLKA PIT. Murton, Durham. 15th. August, 1848.
* ALBION. Hindley Green, Lancashire. 28th. August, 1848.
* SENELEY GREEN. Ashton-in-Makerfield, Lancashire. 24th. October, 1848.
* WHINNY HILL. Cleator Moor. Cumberland. 28th. October, 1848.
* DARLEY MAIN. Worsborough Dale, Yorkshire. 24th. January, 1849.
* VICTORIA. Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire. February, 1849.
* BIRD-IN-TH’-HAND. Eccleston, Lancashire. 26th February, 1849.
* INCE HALL. Middle Patricroft Pit. Hindley, Lancashire. 6th. March, 1849.
* WERFA. Aberdare, Glamorganshire. 16th. May, 1849.
* LLANTWIT. Pontypridd, Glamorganshire. 19th. May, 1849.
* HEBBURN. Hebburn, Durham. 5th. June, 1849.
* LAFFACK. St. Helens, Lancashire. 23rd. June, 1849.
* GREAT BRIDGE, Friary Field. Dudley, Staffordshire. 26th. June, 1849.
* MINERA. Wrexham, Denbighshire. 20th. July, 1849.
* LETTY SHANKLIN. Aberdare, Glamorganshire. 10th.August, 1849.
* CWMYNANTDDU. Pontypool, Glamorganshire. 16th. August, 1849.
* WISHAW, Scotland. 13th. August, 1849.
* CHOWBENT. Gib Field Pit. Atherton, Lancashire. 11th. February, 1850.
* FOGGS. Haydock, Lancashire. March, 1850.
* TOWN HOUSE. Burnley, Lancashire. 12th. April, 1850.
* WELLINGTON PIT. Unsworth, Durham. 5th. June, 1850.
* COMMONHEAD. Airdrie, Fifeshire. 23rd. July, 1850.
* COED POETH. Supposed to be S. Wales. 5th. October, 1850.
* BENT GRANGE. Oldham, Lancashire. 9th. October, 1850.
* WILLINGSWORTH. Sedgley, Staffordshire. November, 1850.
* HAYDOCK No.13. Haydock, Lancashire. 8th. November, 1850.
* HOUGHTON. Houghton, Durham. 11th. November, 1850.
* NEW DUFFRYN. Aberdare, Glamorganshire. 12th. December, 1850.
* VICTORIA. Nithshill, Renfrewshire. 15th. March, 1851.
* HEYS. Ashton-under- Lyne, Lancashire. 17th. March, 1851.
* WHITEHALL. Staffordshire. July, 1851.
* KINGSWOOD. Bristol, Gloucester. 7th. June, 1851.
* FIVEWAYS. Cladey, Worcestershire. 10th. July, 1851.
* MALAGO VALE . Bristol, Somerset. 9th. August, 1851.
* WASHINGTON. Washington, Durham, 19th. August, 1851.
* WERFA. Aberdare, Glamorganshire. 4th. September, 1851.
* KILLINGWORTH, Durham, 31st. October, 1951.
* WARREN VALE. Yorkshire. 20th. December, 1851.
* INCE HALL. Wigan, Lancashire. 22nd. December, 1851.
* ROSCOE’S. Rochdale, Lancashire, 18th. February, 1852.
* NORLEY, Wigan Lancashire, 24th. April, 1852.
* HEBBURN. Hebburn, Durham. 6th. May, 1852.
* GWENDRETH. Pontyberem, Carmarthenshire. 10th. May, 1852.
* COPPULL Coppull, Lancashire. 20th. May, 1852.
* MIDDLE DUFFRYN. Abderdare, Monmouthshire. 10th. May, 1852.
* BUNKERS HILL. Bilston, Staffordshire. 16th. June, 1852.
* SEATON. Seaham, Durham. 16th. June, 1852.
* LOWER ELSECAR. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 22nd. December, 1852.
* NEW COTTAM. Chesterfield, Derbyshire, 21st. January, 1853.
* RISCA. Monmouthshire. 12th. March, 1853.
* INCE HALL. Wigan, Lancashire. 24th. March, 1853.
* OLD PARK. Dudley, Staffordshire. 26th. April, 1853.
* ROSE HILL, Willenhall, Staffordshire, 31st. May, 1853.
* BENT GRANGE. Oldham, Lancashire. 1st. July, 1853.
* MONKSWEARMOUTH. Monkswearmouth, Durham. 14th. July, 1853.
* COWDENBEATH, Dunfirmline, 30th. November, 1853.
* GARSCUBE, Glasgow, Scotland. 13th. December, 1853.
* BRYNDDU. Pyle, Glamorganshire. 23rd. December, 1853.
* NEW COTTAM. Chesterfield, Derbyshire. 21st. January, 1854.
* INCE HALL. Wigan, Lancashire. 18th. February, 1854.
* LUNDHILL. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 22nd. June 1854.
* FROOD. Wrexham, Denbighshire. 19th. October, 1854.
* BELLFIELD. Rochdale, Lancashire. 11th. November, 1854.
* NEWMARKET. Wakefield, Yorkshire. 11th. November, 1854.
* BRYN-yr-OWEN. Wrexham, Denbighshire. 11th January, 1855.
* GWENDRAETH. Pontyberem, Glamorganshire. 10th. May, 1855.
* ABERAMMAN. Aberdare, Glamorganshire. 20th. April, 1855.
* OLD FIELD. Longton, Staffordshire. 25th. May, 1855.
* CWMAMMAN. Aberdare, Glamorganshire. 28th. November, 1855.
* YNISDAVID. Cwmavon, Glamorganshire. 24th. May, 1856.
* OLD PARK. Dudley, Staffordshire. 20th. June, 1856.
* OLD COAL PIT. Coalbrookdale, Shropshire. 3rd July, 1856.
* CYMMER. Rhondda Valley, Glamorganshire. 15th. July 1856.
* RAMROD HALL. Oldbury, Staffordshire. 13th. August, 1856.
* BRYNMALLY. Wrexham, Denbighshire. 30th. September, 1856.
* TOWNHOUSE. Burnley, Lancashire. 13th. November, 1856.
* SHIPLEY. Derby, Derbyshire. 4th. March, 1857.
* LUNDHILL. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 19th. February, 1857.
* HINDLEY. Wigan, Lancashire. 26th. April, 1857.
* TRY NICHOLAS. Cwmtelery, Glamorganshire. 27th. May, 1857.
* SANKEY BROOK. St.Helens, Lancashire. 11th. June, 1857.
* THE HEYS. Ashton-under-Lyme, Cheshire. 31st. July, 1857.
* GWANE. Dudley, Worcestershire. 10th. September, 1857.
* RIPLEY. Ripley, Derbyshire, 10th. October, 1857.
* GREENLAND WALLS. Berwick-on-Tweed, Durham. 8th. April, 1857.
* HOLLINGWOOD. Chesterfield, Derbyshire. 15th. November, 1857.
* BARDSLEY. Ashton-under-Lyme, Cheshire. 2nd. February, 1858.
* LOWER DUFFYN. Aberdare, Glamorganshire. 24th. February, 1858.
* BRYNDDU. Pyle, Glamorganshire. 28th. May, 1858.
* CYFING. Swansea, Glamorganshire. 11th. August, 1858.
* PORKELLIS. Helton, Cornwall. 20th. August, 1858.
* PAGE BANK. Brancepeth, Durham. 1st. October, 1858.
* PRIMROSE. Swansea, Glamorganshire.13th. October, 1858.
* CAE. Llanlley, Glamorganshire. 3rd. November, 1858
* YEW TREE. Tyldesley, Lancashire. 11th. December, 1858.
* AGECROFT. Pendlebury, Lancashire. 4th. January, 1859.
* BYCARS. Burslem Staffordshire. 29th. January, 1859.
* SOUTH KELLOE. Kelloe, Durham. 20th. March, 1859.
* MAIN. Neath, Glamorganshire. 6th. April, 1859.
* HIGHAM. Barnsley, Yorkshire, 15th February, 1860.
* BURRADON. Burradon, Durham. 2nd. March, 1860.
* ADDERLEY GREEN. Longton, Staffordshire. 17th. July, 1860.
* WINSTANLEY. Wigan, Lancashire. 3rd. August, 1860.
* BENSTONE, Johnstone, Fife, 23th. October, 1860.
* LOWER DUFFRYN. Aberdare, Glamorganshire. 6th. November, 1860.
* BLACK VEIN PIT. Risca, Monmouthshire. 1st. December, 1860.
* MINOR PIT. Hetton, Durham. 20th. December, 1860.
* BROWNHILLS. Brownhills, Staffordshire. 9th. January, 1861.
* BRERETON. Breton, Staffordshire. 6th. February, 1861.
* LINNYSHAW. Worsley, Lancashire. 27th, February, 1861.
* BLAENGWAWR. Aberdare, Glamorganshire. 8th. March, 1861.
* CLAY CROSS . Chesterfield, Derbyshire. 11th. June, 1861.
* DYKEHEAD. Hamilton, Fifeshire. 7th. August, 1861.
* DONNINGTON. Wellington, Shropshire. 9th. September, 1861.
* SOUTH MOSTYN. Mostyn, Flintshire. 26th September, 1861.
* SHEVINGTON. Wigan, Lancashire. 1st. November, 1861.
* NEW HARTLEY. Hartley, Durham. 17th. January, 1862.
* BRNGWEOG. Mold Flintshire. 12th. February, 1862.
* CETHIN. Merthyr, Glamorganshire. 19th. February, 1862.
* WESTWOOD. Sheffield, Yorkshire. c.10th. April, 1862.
* OLD BRADLEY. Bilston, Staffordshire. 30th. May, 1862.
* OLD CASTLE. Llanelli, Carmarthenshire. 3rd. July, 1862.
* MONKWEIRMOUTH Monkweirmouth, Durham. 7th. September, 1862.
* WALKER. Durham. 4th. November 1862.
* EDMUNDS MAIN. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 8th. December, 1862.
* LLYNVI. Maesteg, Glamorganshire. 26th. December, 1863.
* LLWYNVI. Llwynvi, Glamorganshire, 26th. December, 1863.
* DARK LANE. Wellington, Shropshire, 29th. December, 1862.
* COXLODGE Coxlodge, Northumberland. 6th. March, 1863.
* BOTALLACK. Botallack, Cornwall. 18th. April, 1863.
* THE PARK. Neath, Glamorganshire. 26th. June, 1863.
* MORFA. Port Talbot, Glamorganshire. 17th. October 1863.
* THRYBERGH HALL, Rotherham, Yorkshire. 30th. November, 1863.
* WYNSTAY Ruabon, Flintshire. 9th. December, 1863.
* BRIDGE-END Pensnett, Worcestershire 11th. January, 1864.
* BROOKHOUSE. Hanley, Staffordshire. 2nd. March, 1864.
* BLACKEYHURST Ashton-in-Makerfield, Lancashire. 1st. July, 1864.
* SEGHILL. Seghill, Northumberland. 9th. September, 1864.
* MADDERLEY WOOD. Ironbridge, Shropshire. 27th. September, 1864.
* WITHYMORE. Rowley Regis, Staffordshire. 16th November, 1864.
* LEESWOOD Mold, Flintshire. 15th. December, 1864.
* DOUGLAS BANK. Wigan, Lancashire, 4th. January, 1865.
* SALT WELL Dudley, Worcestershire 9th. February, 1865.
* CLOUGH HALL. Newcastle, Staffordshire. 1st. March, 1865.
* CLAY CROSS. Chesterfield, Derbyshire. 3rd. May, 1865.
* TREDEGAR. (New Bedwelty Pit.). Bedwelty, Monmouthshire. 16th. June, 1865.
* CALIFORNIA Aspull, Lancashire. 12th. September, 1865.
* GETHIN. Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire. 20th. December, 1865.
* PELTON. Chester-le-Street, Durham. 12th. January, 1866.
* HIGH BROOKS. Ashton-in-Makerfield, Lancashire. 23rd. January, 1866.
* GARSWOOD PARK Ashton-in-Makerfield, Lancashire. 4th. May, 1866.
* FURZEHILL. Horrabridge, Cornwall. 12th. May, 1866.
* DUKINFIELD. Ashton-under-Lyne, Cheshire. 14th. June, 1866.
* PELTON. Chester-le-Street, Durham. 21st. October, 1866.
* HOMER HILL. Cradley, Staffordshire. 1st. November, 1866.
* SHANKHOUSE. Cramlington, Northumberland. November, 1866.
* BEDWELTY. Tredegar, Monmouthshire. 4th December, 1866.
* BANK. Little Hulton, Lancashire. 10th. December, 1866.
* TALKE O' TH' HILL. Talke, Staffordshire. 13th. December 1866.
* THE OAKS. Barnsley, Yorkshire 13th. December, 1866.
* CLATTERSHALL. Stourbridge, Staffordshire. 2nd. March, 1867.
* BRIGHTSIDE. Sheffield, Yorkshire. 12th. April, 1867.
* MESNE LEA. Worsley, Lancashire. 30th. May, 1867.
* WASHINGTON. Gateshead, Durham. 31st. May, 1867.
* DUKINFIELD. Ashton-under-Lyne, Cheshire. 4th June, 1867.
* GARSWOOD PARK Ashton-in-Makerfield, Lancashire. 20th. August, 1867.
* HOMER HILL. Stourbridge, Warwickshire. 12th. November, 1867.
* FERNDALE. Porth, Glamorganshire. 8th. November 1867.
* BWLLFA. Aberdare, Glamorganshire. 27th. December, 1867.
* CLATTERSHALL. Brierley Hill, Staffordshire. 11th. March, 1868.
* CANNOCK CHASE Cannock, Staffordshire. 15th. May, 1868.
* WYNNSTAY Ruabon, Flintshire. 30th. September, 1868.
* HINDLEY GREEN. Wigan, Lancashire. 25th November, 1868.
* NORLEY. Wigan, Lancashire. 21st. December, 1868.
* QUEEN PIT. Haydock, Lancashire, 30th. December, 1868.
* SPRINGWELL. Gateshead, Durham. 29th. January, 1869.
* RAINFORD Rainford, Lancashire. 16th. January, 1869.
* HIGH BROOKS. Ashton-in-Makerfield, Lancashire. 1st. April, 1869.
* CWMNANTDDU. Llanerch, Monmouthshire. 25th. May, 1869.
* FERNDALE. Rhondda Valley, Glamorganshire. 10th. June, 1869.
* QUEEN PIT. Haydock, Lancashire. 21st. July, 1869.
* NEWBURY. Westbury, Somersetshire, 22nd. October, 1869.
* HENDREFORGAN. Swansea Valley, Glamorganshire. 11th. November 1869.
* LOW HALL. Wigan, Lancashire. 15th. November, 1869.
* VOCHRHIW. Dowlais, Glamorganshire. 8th. January, 1870.
* PENDLETON. Pendleton, Lancashire. 6th. February, 1870.
* MORFA. Port Talbot, Glamorganshire. 14th. February, 1870.
* ASTLEY DEEP. Dunkirk Pit. Dukinfield, Cheshire. 4th. March, 1870.
* SILVERDALE. Sheriff Pit. Newcastle, Staffordshire. 7th. July, 1870.
* CHARLES. Llansamlet, Glamorganshire. 23rd. July, 1870.
* BRYN HALL. Ashton-in-Makerfield, Lancashire. 19th. August, 1870.
* PENDLEBURY. Pendlebury, Lancashire. 27th. September, 1870.
* ABERCOMBY. Aberdare, Glamorganshire. 8th. October, 1870.
* LEYCETT. Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire. 3rd. January, 1871.
* RENISHAW PARK. Chesterfield, Derbyshire, 10th. January, 1871.
* WHEATLEY HILL. Ferry Hill, Durham. 22nd. January, 1871.
* PENTRE Rhondda Valley, Glamorganshire. 24th. February, 1871.
* VICTORIA. No. 1 Pit. Monmouthshire. 2nd. March, 1871.
* INCE MOSS. Wigan, Lancashire. 6th. September, 1871.
* GADLYS. Aberdare, Glamorganshire. 4th. October, 1871.
* SEAHAM. Seaham, Durham. 21st. October, 1871.
* HINDLEY GREEN. Springs Pit. Wigan, Lancashire. 15th. November, 1871.
* NORWOOD. Chesterfield Derbyshire, 22nd. November, 1871.
* BLACKLANE. West Bromwich, Staffordshire. 23rd. November, 1871.
* IRVINE November, 1871.
* OAKWOOD. Maesteg, Glamorganshire. 11th. January, 1872.
* LIBANUS SINKING PIT. Monmouthshire. 22nd. January, 1871
* MAESTEG MERTHYR. Bridgend, Glamorganshire. 2nd. February, 1872
* BERRY HILL. Stoke, Staffordshire. 7th. March, 1872.
* LOVERS LANE. Atherton, Lancashire. 28th. March, 1872.
* MORLEY MAIN. Leeds, Yorkshire. 7th. October 1872.
* PELSALL HALL. Walsall, Staffordshire. 14th. November, 1872.
* DAWLEY. Wellington, Shropshire. 6th. December, 1872.
* SILVERDALE. Newcastle, Staffordshire. 21st. December, 1872.
* TALK O’ TH’ HILL. Newcastle, Staffordshire, 18th. February, 1873.
* CWMTILLERY. Abertillery, Monmouthshire. 5th. April, 1873.
* WYNNSTAY. Ruabon, Flintshire. 24th. April, 1873.
* BRYN HALL. Ashton-in-Makerfield, Lancashire. 2nd. June. 1873.
* MENSES. Barebones Pit. Wigan, Lancashire 21st. November, 1873.
* HAFOD-Y-BWCH. Ruabon, Flintshire. 11th. December, 1873.
* ASTLEY DEEP PIT. Dukinfield, Cheshire. 14th. April. 1874.
* INCE HALL. Saw Mill Pit. Wigan, Lancashire. 18th. July, 1874.
* TITFORD LONG MEADOW. Oldbury, Worcestershire. 23rd. July, 1874.
* BRYN CETHIN. Bridgend, Glamorganshire. 26th. September, 1874.
* RAWMARSH. Rotherham, Yorkshire 20th. November, 1874.
* OGMORE. Bridgend, Glamorganshire. 7th. December, 1874.
* BIGNALL HALL. Audley, Staffordshire. 24th. December, 1874.
* ALDWARKE MAIN. Rotherham, Yorkshire. 5th. January, 1875.
* BUNKERS HILL. Staffordshire. 30th. April, 1875.
* DONNINGTON WOOD. Lilleshall, Shropshire. 11th. September, 1875.
* RAWMARSH. Rotherham, Yorkshire 20th. November, 1874.
* ALEXANDRA. Wigan, Lancashire. 4th. December, 1875.
* NEW TREDEGAR. Bedwelty, Monmouthshire. 4th. December, 1875.
* LLAN. Cardiff, Glamorganshire. 6th. December, 1875.
* SWAITHE MAIN. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 6th. December, 1875.
* METHYL JUNCTION. Normanton, Yorkshire. 9th. December, 1875.
* JAMMAGE. Bignall Hall, Staffordshire. 5th. January, 1876.
* SILVERDALE. Sheriff Pit. Newcastle-under-Lyme,
* Staffordshire. 6th. April, 1876.
* BIRLEY, Sheffield, Yorkshire. 26th. June, 1876.
* SOUTH WALES. Abertillery, Glamorganshire. 18th. December, 1876.
* STONEHILL. Farnworth, Lancashire. 23rd. January, 1877.
* FOGGS. Darcey Lever, Lancashire. 7th. February, 1877.
* GREAT BOYS. Tyldesley, Lancashire. 6th. March, 1877.
* WEIGHFACH. Swansea, Glamorganshire. 10th. March, 1877.
* TROEHYDRIW. Porth, Glamorganshire. 11th. April, 1877.
* ANNESLEY. Annesley, Nottinghamshire. 27th. June, 1877.
* PEMBERTON. Wigan, Lancashire. 11th. October, 1877.
* BLANTYRE. High Blantyre, Lanarkshire. 22nd. October, 1877.
* WHISTON. Whiston, Lancashire. 17th. February, 1878.
* BLANTYRE. Blantyre, Lanarkshire, 5th. March, 1878.
* BARWOOD. Kilsyth, Fifeshire. 8th. March, 1878.
* UNITY BROOK. Kersley, Lancashire. 12th. March, 1878.
* APEDALE. Newcastle, Staffordshire. 27th. March, 1878.
* PENDWLL. Wrexham, Denbighshire. 30th. May, 1878.
* WOOD PIT. Haydock, Lancashire. 7th. June, 1878.
* MEADOW PIT. Cwnavon, Glamorganshire. 24th. June, 1878.
* PRINCE OF WALES. Abercarne, Monmouthshire. 11th. September, 1878.
* DINAS. Llantrisant, Glamorganshire. 13th. January, 1879.
* FITZWILLIAM MAIN. Pontefract, Yorkshire. 25th. January, 1879.
* VICTORIA. Pontefract, Yorkshire. 7th. March, 1879.
* BEDWELTY. Tredegar, Glamorganshire. 2nd. April, 1879.
* PARK. Dewsbury, Yorkshire. 7th. April, 1879.
* VICTORIA. Stanley Pit. Wakefield, Yorkshire. 4th. March 1879.
* PARK. Dewsbury, Yorkshire. 7th. April, 1879
* MEADOW. Cwmavon, Glamorganshire. 24th. June, 1879.
* BLANTYRE No.1. Blantyre, Lanarkshire. 2nd. July, 1879.
* LEYCETTE. Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire. 12th. September, 1879.
* ALEXANDRA. St.Helens, Lancashire. 22nd. October, 1879.
* SHORTHEATH. Willenhall, Staffordshire. 12th. November, 1879.
* KERSLEY. Kersley, Lancashire. 24th. December, 1879.
* LEYCETTE. Newcastle-under-Lyne, Staffordshire. 21st. January, 1880.
* BEDWELTY. Tredegar, Monmouthshire. 10th. March 1880.
* GARNOCH. Swansea, Glamorganshire. 7th. July, 1880.
* RISCA. Black Vein Pit. Risca, Monmouthshire. 15th. July, 1880.
* BERSHAM. Wrexham, Denbighshire. 3rd. August, 1880.
* SEAHAM. Seaham, Durham. 9th. September 1880.
* PEN-Y-CRAIG. Rhondda, Glamorganshire. 10th. December, 1880.
* NEW CATHEDRAL. St. Day, Cornwall. 19th. January 1881.
* WHITEFIELD. Hanley, Staffordshire. 7th. February, 1881
* WHITEFIELD. Hanley, Staffordshire. 7th. February, 1881
* LILLYDALE. Hanley, Staffordshire. 3rd.May, 1881.
* ABRAM. Wigan, Lancashire. 19th. December, 1881.
* LEWIS MERTHYR. Pontypridd, Glamorganshire. 11th. February, 1882.
* COEDCAE. Pontypridd, Glamorganshire. 13th. February, 1882.
* TRIMDON GRANGE. Trimdon, Durham. 16th. February 1882.
* HENWAIN. Blaina, Monmouthshire. 27th. February, 1882.
* TUDHOE. Tudhoe, Durham. 18th. April, 1882.
* WEST STANLEY. Chester-le-Street, Durham. 19th. April, 1882.
* VICTORIA, Bruntcliffe. Leeds, Yorkshire. 1st. May, 1882.
* BADDESLEY. Atherstone, Warwickshire. 1st. May. 1882.
* PARKHOUSE No.7. Clay Cross, Derbyshire. 7th. November, 1882.
* NEW DUFFRYN. Rhymney, Glamorganshire. 25th. June, 1883.
* WHEAL AGAR Redruth, Cornwall. 15th. August, 1883.
* GELLI. Ystrad, Glamorganshire. 21st. August, 1883.
* NELSON. Tyldesley, Lancashire. 2nd. October, 1883.
* WHARNCLIFFE CARLTON. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 18th. October, 1883.
* LEYCETT. Madeley, Stafforshire. 21st. October, 1883
* MOORFIELD. Accrington, Lancashire. 7th. November, 1883.
* GARNANT. Cwmaman, Glamorganshire. 16th. January, 1884.
* NAVAL. Llantrissant, Glamorganshire. 27th. January, 1884.
* PENYCRAIG. Penycraig, Glamorganshire. 27th. January, 1884.
* NIDDRIE No.7 Pit Portobello, Fife. 24th. May, 1884.
* HALL END. West Bromwich, Staffordshire. 6th. September, 1884.
* POCHIN. Glamorganshire. 8th. November, 1884.
* DIGLAKE. Audley, Staffordshire. 14th. January, 1885.
* UNSWORTH. Sunderland, Durham. 18th. March, 1885.
* GREAT FENTON. Great Fenton, Staffordshire. 8th. April, 1885.
* CLIFTON HALL. Manchester, Lancashire. 18th. June, 1885.
* MARGARET. Newbottle, Durham. 3rd. June, 1885.
* APEDALE. Burley Pit. Newcastle, Staffordshire. 20th. June, 1885.
* MARDY. Rhondda Valley, Glamorganshire. 23rd. December, 1885.
* EASTON. Bristol, Gloucestershire. 19th. February, 1886.
* BEDFORD. Wood End Pits. Leigh, Lancashire. 13th. August, 1886.
* DEAN LANE. Bedminster, Somersetershire. 10th. September 1886.
* ALTOFT’S. Normanton, Yorkshire. 2nd. October, 1886.
* ELEMORE. Hetton, Durham. 2nd. December, 1886.
* GEORGE PIT. Mountain Ash, Glamorganshire. 9th. December, 1886.
* HOUGHTON MAIN. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 30th December, 1886.
* NATIONAL. Pontypridd, Glamorganshire. 18th. February. 1887.
* UDSTON. Hamilton, Lanarkshire. 28th. May, 1887.
* WALKER. Northumberland. 24th. October 1887.
* HILL CLOSE LEAD MINE. Darley Dale, Derbyshire. 3rd. November, 1887.
* OAKLEY SLATE MINE. Blaeu Festiniog 16th. February, 1888.
* ST.HELENS. Workington, Cumberland. 19th. April, 1888.
* ABER. Ogmore Vale, Glamorganshire. 14th. May, 1888.
* DOUGLAS BANK. Wigan, Lancashire. 6th. April, 1888.
* HYDE. Hyde, Cheshire. 18th. February 1889.
* BRYNMALLY. Wrexham, Denbighshire. 13th. March, 1889.
* BOTHWELL CASTLE No.2. Bothwell, Lanarkshire. 28th. June, 1889.
* MAURICEWOOD. Glencourse, Midlothian. 5th. September, 1889.
* MOSSFIELD. Longton, Staffordshire. 16th. October, 1889.
* HEBBURN. ‘A’ Pit. Hebburn, Northumberland. 4th. November, 1889.
* BARRWOOD No.1. Kylsyth, Lanarkshire. 20th. December 1889.
* GLYN. Pontypool, Monmouthshire. 22nd. January, 1890.
* LLANERCH. Pontypool, Monmouthshire. 6th. February, 1890.
* MORFA. Port Talbot, Glamorganshire. 10th. March , 1890.
* APEDALE. Sladderhill No. 3 Pit. Newcastle, Staffordshire. 2nd. April, 1891.
* MALGO VALE. Bristol, Somerset. 31st. August, 1891.
* BLAENGWYNFI. Garw Valley, Glamorganshire. 30th. Spetember, 1891.
* WHELDALE. Castleford, Yorkshire. 8th. December, 1891.
* WHEAL OWLES. St. Just, Cornwall. 10th. January, 1893.
* RAVENSLODGE. Dewsbury, Yorkshire. 4th. August, 1892.
* YNISCEDWIN. Swansea Valley, Breconshire. 24th. August, 1892.
* PARK SLIP. Tondu, Glamorganshire. 26th. August, 1892.
* BAMFURLONG. Ashton-in-Makerfield, Lancashire. 14th. January, 1892.
* GREAT WESTERN. Rhondda, Glamorganshire. 11th. April, 1893.
* THORNHILL. Dewsbury, Yorkshire. 4th. July, 1893.
* DOWLAIS. Cardiff, Glamorganshire, 23rd. January, 1893.
* DOLCOATH. Camborne, Cornwall. 20th. September, 1893.
* THE ALBION. Pontypridd, Glamorganshire. 23rd. June, 1894.
* AUDLEY. Newcastle, Staffordshire. 14th. January, 1895.
* TIMSBURY. Bath, Somerset. 6th. February, 1895.
* QUARTER. Denny, Strlingshire. 26th. April, 1895.
* KINNEDDAR. Dunermline, Fifeshire. 31st. May, 1895.
* AUCHENGARVIE. Ayr. Ayrshire. 2nd. August, 1895.
* DOWLAIS. Aberdare, Gamorganshire. 9th. September, 1895.
* TYNYBEDW. Pentre, Glamorganshire. 9th. September, 1895.
* SHAKERLEY. Tyldesley, Lancashire, 1st. October, 1895.
* BLACKWELL ‘A’ WINNING. Alfreton, Derbyshire. 11th. November, 1895.
* DUNGANNON. Dungannon, Tyrone, Ireland. 11th. December, 1895.
* FERNDALE. Tylorstown Pit. Rhondda Fach, Glamorganshire.
* 27th. January, 1896.
* WESTLEIGH. Leigh, Lancashire. 20th. February, 1896.
* BRANCEPETH. (‘A’ Pit.) Willington, Durham. 13th. April, 1896.
* MICKLEFIELD. Leeds, Yorkshire. 30th. April, 1896.
* No.1 MAIN BRYNCOCH. Neath, Glamorganshire. 4th. August 1896.
* RIVER LEVEL. Abernant, Glamorganshire. 9th. December, 1896.
* BROADOAK. Loughor, Glamorganshire. 5th. January, 1897.
* DOVER. Dover, Kent. 6th. March, 1897.
* DEVON. Clackmannan. 26th. March, 1897.
* EAST HETTON. East Hetton, Durham. 6th. May, 1897.
* SNAEFELL LEAD MINE. Laxey, Isle of Man. 10th. May, 1897.
* GARTH MERTHYR. Maesteg, Glamorganshire. 11th. June 1897.
* AYR, DRUMLEY No.1 PIT. Ayr, Ayreshire. 9th. September 1897.
* WHITWICK. Coalville, Leicestershire. 19th. April, 1898.
* BRANDON. Brandon, Durham. 15th August, 1899.
* LLEST. Pontyrhyl, Glamorganshire, 18th. August, 1899.
* OLD BOSTON. Haydock, Lancashire. 29th. June 1900.
* PORTLAND No.5 Pit. Ayrshire. 17th August 1900.
* GLENAVON. Rhondda, Glamorganshire. 24th. October, 1900.
* HILL OF BEATH. Fife, Fifeshire. 15th. February, 1901.
* UNIVERSAL. Senghenydd, Glamorganshire. 24th. May, 1901.
* DONIBRISTLE. Cowdenbeath, Fifeshire. 26th. August, 1901.
* LLANBRADACH. Cardiff, Glamorganshire. 10th. September, 1901.
* KEMBERTON. Shifnal, Staffordshire, 4th. December, 1901.
* WHITWICK. Coalville, Leicestershire. 19th. April, 1898.
* BRANDON. Brandon, Durham. 15th August, 1899.
* LLEST. Pontyrhyl, Glamorganshire, 18th. August, 1899.
* OLD BOSTON. Haydock, Lancashire. 29th. June 1900.
* PORTLAND No.5 Pit. Ayrshire. 17th August 1900.
* GLENAVON. Rhondda, Glamorganshire. 24th. October, 1900.
* HILL OF BEATH. Fife, Fifeshire. 15th. February, 1901.
* UNIVERSAL. Senghenydd, Glamorganshire. 24th. May, 1901.
* DONIBRISTLE. Cowdenbeath, Fifeshire. 26th. August, 1901.
* LLANBRADACH. Cardiff, Glamorganshire. 10th. September, 1901.
* KEMBERTON. Shifnal, Staffordshire, 4th. December, 1901.
* MILFREN Trerthen, Monmouthshire. 4th. March, 1902.
* GARSWOOD HALL. Ashton-in-Makerfield, Lancashire. 2nd. April, 1902.
* WINDSOR. Abertridwr, Glamorganshire. 3rd. June, 1902.
* VOCHRIW No.2. Gellingaer, Glamorganshire. 4th. June, 1902.
* MACLAREN, (No.1 Pit). Abertysswg, Monmouthshire. 3rd. September, 1902.
* TIRPENTWYS. Tirpentwys, Monmouthshire. 8th. October, 1902.
* DEEP NAVIGATION. Glamorganshire. 11th. November, 1902.
* ALDWARKE MAIN. Rotherham, Yorkshire. 23rd. February, 1904.
* BURNYEAT’S NEW SINKING. Ynysddu, Monmouthshire. 13th. August, 1904.
* BOLD. St.Helens, Lancashire. 20th? January, 1905.
* ELBA. Gowerton, Glamorganshire. 21st. January, 1905.
* CAMBRIAN. Clydach, Glamorganshire. 10th. March 1905.
* NATIONAL. Wattstown, Glamorganshire. 11th. July, 1905.
* NEW BOSTON. Haydock, Lancashire. 16th. July, 1905.
* DOWLAIS. Cardiff, Glamorganshire. 28th. April, 1906.
* COURT HERBERT. Neath, Glamorganshire. 1st. June, 1906.
* ALBION. Pontypridd, Glamorganshire. 10th. November 1906.
* WINGATE GRANGE. Wingate, Durham 14th. October, 1906.
* WAUNHIR TRIMSHARAN. Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire., 16th. February, 1907.
* GENWEN. Llanelli, Carmarthen. 5th. March, 1907.
* FOGGS. Tyldesley, Lancashire. 4th. October, 1907.
* SEVEN SISTERS. Merthyr, Glamorganshire. 10th. November, 1907.
* BARROW. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 15th. November, 1907.
* WILLIAM. Whitehaven, Cumberland. 26th. November, 1907.
* DINAS MAIN, No.3. Gilfach Coch, Glamorganshire. 14th. December, 1907.
* GLEBE. Washington, Durham. 20th. February, 1908.
* HAMSTEAD. Great Barr, Staffordshire. 4th.March, 1908.
* NORTON HILL. Midsomer Norton, Somerset. 9th. April, 1908.
* THE MAYPOLE. Abram, Lancashire. 18th. August, 1908.
* WEST STANLEY. West Stanley, Durham. 16th. February, 1909.
* BERSHAM. Wrexham, Denbighshire. 3rd. August, 1909.
* NAVAL COLLIERY, Ely Pit. Penycraig, Glamorganshire. 27th. August 1909.
* BIRCHROCK. Pontardulais, Glamorganshire. 1st. October, 1909.
* DARRAN. Deri, Glamorganshire. 29th. October, 1909.
* TARNEI. Pontardawe, Glamorganshire. 1st. November, 1909.
* CAPRINGTON No.4. Ayr, Scotland. 10th. December, 1909.
* WATER HAIGH. Leeds, Yorkshire. 7th. May, 1910.
* WELLINGTON PIT. Whitehaven, Cumberland. 11th. May, 1910.
* HUNTERS HILL. Lanark, Lanarkshire. 13th. September, 1910.
* HATTONRIGG. Lanarkshire, Scotland. 19th. January, 1910.
* HULTON No. 3. Pretoria Pit. Atherton, Lancashire. 21st. December, 1910.
* BIGNALL HILL. Jamage Pit. Audley, Staffordshire. 25th. November, 1911.
* HEDNESFORD. Cannock, Chase Staffordshire. 14th. December, 1911.
* MARKHAM. Markham, Monmouthshire. 18th. May, 1912.
* CADBEY MAIN. Denaby, Yorkshire. 9th. July, 1912.
* RUFFORD. Mansfield, Nottingham. 7th. February, 1913.
* CARR HOUSE. Rotherham, Yorkshire. 16th. June, 1913.
* CADDER. Glasgow, Lanarkshire. 3rd. August, 1913.
* UNIVERSAL. Senghenydd, Glamorganshire. 14th. October, 1913.
* GLYNEA. Glynea, Carmarthenshire. 18th. October, 1913.
* WHARNCLIFFE SILKSTONE. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 30th. May, 1914.
* MINNIE PIT. Podmore Hall, Halderbrand, North Staffordshire, 17th. January, 1915.
* NEW HEM HEATH. Chesterton, Staffordshire, 25th. February, 1915.
* BRAYTON DOMAIN No. 4. Cumberland, 26th. April, 1915.
* BENTINCK. Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottingham, 30th. June, 1915.
* EXHALL. Nuneaton, Staffordshire, 21st. September, 1815.
* PENNANT HILL. Dudley, Staffordshire. 22nd. October, 1915.
* NEILSLAND. Lanarkhire, 26th. April, 1916.
* WOODHORN. Ashington, Northumberland. 13th. August, 1916.
* CRONTON. Widnes, Lancashire. 11th. December, 1917.
* PODMORE HALL. Minnie Pit. Halmerend, Staffordshire. 12th. January, 1918.
* STANRIGG and ARBUCKLE. Airdrie, Lanarkshire. 9th. July, 1918.
* OXCROFT. Creswell, Derbyshire. 6th. April, 1919.
* LEVANT TIN MINE. Pendeen, Cornwall. 20th. October, 1919.
* EAST PLEAN. Bannockburn, Stirlingshire. 13th. July, 1922.
* HAIGH. Whitehaven, Cumberland, 5th. September, 1922.
* ST.HELENS No.3. Workington, Cumberland. 27th. November, 1922.
* WHEDALE. Castleford, Yorkshire. 22nd. February, 1923.
* MEDMOSLEY. Consett, Durham. 24th. February, 1923.
* TRIMSHARAN. Pembrey, Carmarthen. 26th. April, 1923.
* GARTSHORE. Twechar, Dumbartonshire. 28th. July, 1923.
* MALTBY MAIN. Maltby, Yorkshire. 28th. July, 1923.
* REDDING. Falkirk, Stirlingshire. 25th. September, 1923.
* NUNNERY. Sheffield, Yorkshire. 3rd. December, 1923.
* PONTHENRY, Lllanelly, Glamorganshire, 3rd. September, 1924.
* LLAY MAIN. Wrexham, Denbighshire. 5th. December, 1924.
* MONTAGU. Scotswood, Northumberland. 30th. March, 1925.
* PENDLETON. Pendleton, Lancashire. 4th. November, 1925.
* BIRCHENWOOD. Kidsgrove, Staffordshire. 18th. December, 1925.
* THORNE. Doncaster, Yorkshire. 15th. March, 1926.
* BILSTHORPE. Bilsthorpe, Nottinghamshire. 1st. March, 1927.
* MARINE. Cwm, Monmouthshire. 1st. March, 1927.
* COOMBS WOOD. Halesowen, Worcestershire. 18th. March, 1929.
* MILFRAEN. Blaenavon, Monmouthshire. 10th. July, 1929.
* WERNBWLL. Penclawdd, Glamorganshire. 28th. November, 1929.
* WATH MAIN. Wath-on-Dearne, Yorkshire. 24th. February, 1930.
* LYME PIT. Haydock, Lancashire. 26th. February, 1930.
* ALLERTON BYWATER. Castleford, Yorkshire. 10th. March, 1930.
* ANCHINRAITH. Blantyre, Lanarkshire. 30th. August, 1930.
* GROVE. Brownhills, Staffordshire. 1st. October, 1930.
* HOUGHTON MAIN. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 12th. December, 1930.
* HAIG PIT. Whitehaven, Cumberland. 5th. February, 1931.
* NEWDIGATE. Numeaton, Warwickshire. 3rd. Septhember, 1931.
* BOWHILL No.1. Cardenden, Fifeshire. 31st. October, 1931.
* BENTLEY. Doncaster, Yorkshire. 20th. November, 1932.
* LLWYNYPIA. Porth, Glamorganshire. 25th. January, 1932.
* BICKERSHAW. Leigh, Lancashire. 10th. October, 1932.
* EDGE GREEN. Garswood Hall No.9 Ashton-in-Makerfield,
* Lancashire. 12th. November, 1932.
* CARDOWAN. Stepps, Lanarkshire. 16th. November, 1932.
* CORTONWOOD Barnsley, Yorkshire 9th December 1932
* WEST CANNOCK. Hednesford. Staffordshire. 16th. May, 1933.
* GRASSMORE. Chsterfield, Derbyshire. 19th. November, 1933.
* BILSTHORPE. Mansfield, Nottingham. 26th. July, 1934.
* GRESFORD. Wrexham. Denbighshire. 22nd. September, 1934.
* SOUTH KIRKBY Yorkshire 28th August 1935
* NORTH GAWBER (Lidgett). Barnsley, Yorkshire. 12th. September, 1935.
* BARDYKES Glasgow, Lanark. 21st March 1936
* LOVESTON, Pembroke. 26th. May 1936.
* WHARNCLIFFE WOODMORE. Nos.1, 2 and 3. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 6th. August, 1936.
* MARKHAM. Markham, Derbyshire. 21st. January, 1937.
* SOUTH NORMANTON, Alfreton, Derbyshire, 15th. February, 1937.
* HOLDITCH. Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire. 2nd. July, 1937.
* DUMBRECK. Kilsyth, Stirlingshire. 30th. January, 1938.
* MARKHAM No.1 Blackshale Pit. Chesterfield, Derbyshire. 10th. May, 1938.
* ASTLEY GREEN, Tyldesley, Lancashire, 7th. June, 1939.
* VALLEYFIELD. Culross, Fife. 28th. October, 1939.
* MOSSFIELD. Longton, Staffordshire. 21st. March, 1940.
* WILLIAM PIT. Whitehaven, Cumberland. 3rd. June, 1941.
* CRIGGLESTON. Wakefield, Yorkshire. 29th. July, 1941.
* BULLCROFT MAIN Yorkshire 19th. October 1941
* BLAENCLYDACH. Blaenclydach, Glamorganshire. 25th. December, 1941.
* SNEYD. Hanley, Staffordshire. 1st. January, 1942.
* BICKERSHAW, Plank Lane. Leigh, Lancashire. 7th January 1942.
* BARNSLEY MAIN. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 16th. and 17th. February, 1942.
* LEPTON Huddersfield, Yorkshire. 4th. June 1940
* MURTON. Murton, Durham. 26th. June, 1942.
* MANVERS MAIN. Wath-on-Dearne, Yorkshire. 4th. March, 1945.
* HARRINGTON No.10 PIT. Lowca, Cumberland. 9th. December, 1946.
* BURNGRANGE. Nos.1 and 2 (Oil Shale) Mine West Calder, Midlothian. 10th. January, 1947.
* BARNSLEY MAIN. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 7th. May, 1947.
* WILLIAM PIT. Whitehaven, Cumberland. 21st. August, 1947.
* LOUISA. Stanley, Durham. 22nd. August, 1947.
* INGHAM. Dewsbury, Yorkshire. 9th. September, 1947.
* KNOCKSHINNOCK CASTLE. New Cumnock, Ayrshire. 7th. September, 1950.
* CRESWELL. Creswell, Derbyshire. 26th. September, 1950.
* EASINGTON. West Hartlepool, Durham. 29th. May, 1951.
* EPPLETON. Hetton-le-Hole, Durham. 6th. July, 1951.
* WEETSLADE COLLIERY. Northumberland, 1st. October, 1951.
* BLAENHIRWAUN. Cross Hands, Carmarthenshire. 6th. September, 1955.
* LEWIS MERTHYR. Trehafod, Glamorganshire. 22nd. November, 1956.
* SUTTON. Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. 21st. February, 1957.
* CHANTERS. Atherton, Lancashire. 6th. March, 1957.
* BARNBURGH MAIN. Doncaster, Yorkshire. 26th. June, 1857.
* KAMES. Muirkirk, Ayrshire. 19th. November, 1957.
* LINDSAY. Cowdenbeath, Fife. 14th. December, 1957.
* WALTON. Wakefield, Yorkshire. 22nd. April, 1959.
* AUCHENGEICH. Chryston, Lanarkshire. 18th. September, 1959.
* BICKERSHAW. Leigh, Lancashire 10th. October, 1959.
* SIX BELLS. Newport, Monmouthshire. 28th. June, 1960.
* HAPTON VALLEY. Burnley, Lancashire. 22nd. March, 1962.
* TOWER. Hirwaun, Glamorganshire. 12th. April, 1962.
* CAMBRIAN. Rhondda, Glamorganshire. 17th. May, 1965.
* ABERFAN. Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire. 21st. October, 1966.
* MICHAEL. Fife, Fifeshire. 9th. September, 1967.
* CYNHEIDRE-PENTREMAWR. Llanelli, Carmarthenshire. 6th. April, 1971.
* LOFTHOUSE. Wakefield, Yorkshire. 21st. March, 1973.
* SEAFIELD. Kirkaldy, Fife. 10th. May, 1973.
* MARKHAM. Chesterfield, Derbyshire. 30th. July, 1973.
* HOUGHTON MAIN. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 12th June, 1975.
* BENTLEY. Doncaster, Yorkshire. 21st. November, 1978.
* GOLBORNE. Golborne, Lancashire. 18th. March, 1979