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Commissioned by AV Festival 10 and produced in partnership with Discovery Museum. Supported by Metal Culture, Isis Arts and The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.


YoHa, Jean Demars


Miners Activists:

National Union of Mineworkers: represents and supports miners and their families. The Union was successful in bringing about the biggest common law damages claim in history for thousands of miners affected by lung disease.

Dave Douglass (ex-Miner/Activist/Writer): worked as a miner in the coalfields of Durham and South Yorkshire and was NUM branch delegate for Hatfield colliery (1979-1994). He then opened the Miners Community Advice Centre. He will be presenting his third autobiographic volume ‘Ghost Dancers’, a comprehensive history of the strike and the fate of union and communities since then.

SEAM (Save Easington Area Mines): the Free Café was set up in Easington Colliery and other similar community schemes spawned across the country. Heather Wood and Marilyn Johnson were amongst those women standing beside their men, empowering women to take a public role in a community with a male-dominated sphere. Their life was documented by Keith Pattison.

Peter Arkell (Photographer/activist): Peter Arkell was a News Line photographer during the strike, recording the events which took place on the streets of mining communities across Britain. Today, he is a leading member of A World to Win. /

Amber Collective: is a film & photography collective based in Newcastle upon Tyne, committed to a long-term engagement with working class and marginalized communities in the North of England. Politically engaged, but never aligned, Amber has produced a number of features around Coal mining communities.

Pin the Pits: is a campaign devoted to placing former coalmines back on the map, but also looking into the consequences of economic change since the 1980s; and how this has affected young working class identity today.


Derek, Stephen, Matthew, Linda
+ Goldsmiths students