Invisible Airs, Older People - Floor Polisher, Bristol Council Chamber Room, UK

bnr#63 => Invisible Airs, Older People - Floor Polisher, Bristol Council Chamber Room, UK


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Invisible Airs


"Power, Governance and Data has been conducting a naked love dance on this island since before the Doomsday book, it's rhythms have quickened of late, multiplied and become amplified through database machines. New abstractions that order and compare the world are spawning new technologies of power out of the orgiastic revelry of a bookkeeping gone mad" YoHa


Invisible Airs is an art project by YoHa assisted by Stephen Fortune. Our work has been examining the changes in conduct bought about through the relational machine. Invisible Airs is an investigation of Power, Governance and Data informed by the expenditure database of Bristol City Council.

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